Monday, 30 April 2012

I will survive.

About a year ago I was walking down to my favourite haunt with my dearest friend. An elderly woman approached us and hands out a pamphlet from which she quoted.
“Without God, you will not survive”.

Generally speaking my brain pauses and ticks over in anticipation for an appropriately witted response, but today, genius rolls out of my mouth.

I handed the pamphlet back and announced, “I will survive. As long as I know how to love, I know I will be alive”.

My friend who is rarely rude mannered, walked away in fits of laughter, whilst I stood quite shocked and chuffed with my unusually quick witted response.

In most circumstances I would never knock down someone’s religious views, but, my words that day spoke true to me.

Here are my views that I will share without prejudice for you.

I believe that most religious groups often teach you to have faith in their god, but what they do not teach you is sufficient tools to have faith in yourself. Whilst your religious group may help to a degree YOU are the only person that ultimately aids in your own survival.

YOU are at the forefront of your life’s battles and adventures.

YOU, will always be there,

For you.

And that’s a certainty!

It took time but with work I found that I am my own chapel, because my own faith is within ME!
Personally, I cannot have faith in something that I have not physically seen, however, what I have seen is;
My own drive, endurance, strength, talents, passion and love for myself and others.
I will always have faith in that
Because I have always seen me through!
I will survive,

As long as I know how to love (me),

I know I will be ALIVE!

*This post contains my views. This post does not mean that I disrespect yours.

Friday, 27 April 2012

The Dark Horse.

And they’re racing.
She bounds out of that starting gate, with hurdles and obstacles afoot. Galloping forward with perseverance as she heads down her track. The dark horse leaps with great power over her first hurdle but instead collides with it and tumbles.

With race goers unwilling to pick the dark horse up, they instead stride forward in their own race without looking back.

They have only “the win” in sight.

She picks herself up, and bolts forward, she is last in her pack with all odds placed against her. Bets and wealth are thrown towards the most likely, well bred, and trained of horses.

Her odds are slim.

A deep trench is near, but with one knock she dives within its pit. With blood, sweat and tears she scrambles out. LAST! Without any other horse in sight.

She almost gives up, until, 

a miracle.

Her spirit jumps up from her chair in the grandstand and with pride marchers to the barrier fence. Her spirit cheers,

Her spirits voice echoes and has the crowd captivated. They cheer alongside her spirit, the dark horse becomes captivated too. She sprints, and leaps high over all obstacles that are presented before her. She gallops forward and towards her competitors.

All bets are off now.

Dashing past and ahead, only the dust that rises from her force leaves a memory of her once left behind. Her dust blinds her fellow competitors and instead sees them tumble, but she takes note to see them through.

She is in the lead, with the finish line in sight.

Her crowd becomes inspired.

Although, she has not quite won yet her spirit and the crowd continue to cheer her on.

She is already a winner.

The dark horse always WINS!

Wednesday, 25 April 2012

Another Real Inspirations Highlight

At Real Inspirations we continue to grow beyond our imaginations and wildest dreams, and we're not quite finished yet.

Please click on the link below and read our latest article in Australia and NZ wide magazine NCAH.
American Publishing Company "Informed" also tweeted this article too. Woooo!

Do you have any relevant stories to share? Email Yvette-

Monday, 23 April 2012

Cold Steel Bubble

I once stood within a bubble. It was freezing, and solid like steel.
That bubble had me secluded, trapped. Like a Lion imprisoned within its enclosure I circled that cold steel bubble contemplating an escape.

Was I worthy and strong enough to get out?
There came a time where I had to because no one could enter in to see the true me, I couldn’t see me. Still with lack of sight, I yearned for that.
My bubble was made up of negativities that my life had fed me, cursing me with a fear to break out.

I was over full, and instead gained an insatiable appetite for something much more substantial, something that everybody is worthy of-
Total Greatness!

And I was hungry!

With an awesome roar that lion within me began to chip away at that cold steel bubble. As fragments shot back at me I bled, but with might and the song “I am every woman” rocking on in my head, I perservered. There was no-one more worthy of an escape than I was.
From time to time I tired, and as the bubble broke down, life and its people were able to peek through and as such tried to hold me hostage within its cell. As those fragments hit me once more, I still bled but much less this time. With only a brief stand still to cleanse the wounds I kept chipping away in the pursuit of ME.

When least expected there came a time when I saw the light, it shone for me. Instantly there was an unravelling of all potentials and possibilities that I was worthy of.  

The cold steel fragments now lay at my feet.

I stepped over them.

I realized a new me.

The real me!
I now acknowledge that life will still get tough, and parts of those fragments may present themselves again. However, I now have that solid foundation that is much stronger than cold steel and as a result I can now get through anything.

A wise man, “George Michael” once said “You’ve got to have faith, baby”, and I have that in bucket loads.
Faith is my foundation, and like “Every woman”, It’s all in me.

Friday, 20 April 2012

Dear physical self.

You are only human, without perfection,
In the mirror stands my reflection.
With a zit so large it resembles a mountain,
It will go within time, concealer or foundation.
Brown eyes like a puppy dog, they glisten between their lashes,
Dimples on my cheeks when my smile flashes

(Across my face.)

When speaking I have a lisp, how could I ask for anymore,
Adds a little character like the star Drew Barrymoore.

My biceps, they bulge, and that’s ok,
With one flex, they’ll scare mean people away.

Although my little breasts won’t be protective airbags to a fall,
They will never sag down to me knees at all.

My legs are stunted, but they have tone, they are mine,
Short legs help to weave unseen through a busy line

(at a bar, packed toilet block etc. Now that’s a positive.)

With age  bums can enlarge, I hope my pert stays,
(please god, please god, please god)
Regardless it has been behind me every step of the way!

(And for that I am grateful)

Many apologies for put downs of past gone,
That moment of acceptance, you have waited too long.

I am sorry.

In the mirror stands my reflection,
A beautiful woman, without perfection,

Just like every other…

There is no exception!

Thursday, 19 April 2012

Wealth and Power.

Some people collect superficial objects, gain an abundance of structures andmachines.
They take pride in their fortresses and fancy belongings,this to them means status. They see themselves as beholders of wealth. Wealth to them equates topower.

This is just stuff, an illusion, a wall that they build forthemselves to make them appear powerful.
Their wall, a charade, to hide their own weaknesses.

If their wall was knocked down, stolen or broken, whatwould they have? Nothing but themselves to rely upon with no real show ofriches.

My home is small, butcomfortable, my belongings are understated. My dog was once an orphan. He is of mixed breed but he is not for show- just love.

I do not have a wall to hide behind, because I have built my ownwealth.

My wealth comes from my person, my person is brave. My bravadocomes from my strength gained through my battles fought. My battles have gifted me muchpassion as a person. My person has much love and respect for myself and others.Those others have my back. Power comes from numbers, the crowd of numbers. Not thosewith dollar signs attached.

Power comes when you are fearless! I have no fear but a firethat will not be distinguished!
With much pride and belief within myself I can stand talland achieve anything!

No one can steal, break or knock that down, because I am nota wall.

I am me.

That is power!

I am wealthy beyond imagination.

Saturday, 14 April 2012

Inferior me?

 Feelings of inferiority are incredibly common, you are not alone. Do know that it's merely an illusion of the mind. It means nothing, because unlike you, it is imagery.

A human brain replicates a sponge and overtime absorbs all that it hears and sees. Those negativities become imbedded; infused within your thought processes, your belief system, and soul.  This is not you, but learnt.

 The school of life is far greater in education than any university, however, you may choose your subject material, and as such your knowledge gained. What you come to believe is what you will seek to achieve, and attract. 


Your thoughts about yourself can be reversed. So believe it!
No one is superior in wealth or value, higher in rank or social status, excellence, or beauty. You are not inferior. If another is making you feel this way, ask yourself why? It must be lonely where they are. Their loneliness is an invalid excuse for forcing you down to where they reside. Do not stoop to them because they are sad, yet blind to the fact. Walk away.

Everyone bares their own buried gold, so dig deep to find your abundance of treasures.
With this comes power. Grab it, and run. 

Then you will fly.

Inferior means Nothing.

Wednesday, 4 April 2012

About babies. (food for thought)

I love both of my parents very much, this includes my late father, they were not perfect.
From them I was gifted an eclectic mix of traits that makes me, me. I was once labelled eccentric, and I think I like that. I inherited that from them, my life, and I am grateful.

I came into my parents life without choice, each of my parents with their own demons, and in a destructive relationship not suitable for children. Although their choice of having me made my life far more difficult than what it should've been, it gave me strength, and a much greater insight to life. As a result I now know what I would like for myself, and my family should I choose to have one. I have learnt much from them.

I hear people talk about wanting to be financially secure, owning their own home etc prior to having children. I have never heard anyone talk about wanting to be personally secure, within themselves, their relationship. Ever!

Growing up, we as a family, did not have secure finances, my parents were not personally secure, far from it actually. Out of each, financial vs personal security, I can tell you what negatively impacts on a child more so, and it is not your level of socio-economic means.

Think about it.

A parents personal security can make or break a growing person, I was one of the lucky few, it made me, but it took alot of work to get this far. Money (or lack of) may leave you broke, but it will not break your spirit in the long term.

So, if you are feeling the pressure by others, or within your relationship to have children, do take note of the above.

Not only is it your life, but theirs too!

I do not feel any regretful hatred towards my parent/s, far from it, because they were only human, and learning too. With love for both of my parents, I have learnt much from them.

 It is never too late, no matter what your circumstances to be the best person you can be. Those around you, whether it be your existing children or otherwise, may learn from your example.

In the meantime, stop asking me to have babies, because
a) you need a donor for that.
b) I am mother of dog, I love him very much.
c) I am working on me, to be the best I can be,
d) I will gain that personal security FIRST!

Monday, 2 April 2012

Close encounters of the fuckwit kind.

* This post contains what some may find explicit language. Do discontinue reading if you feel that you may be offended, or if you are not 18+ years of age. If you are in my life right now, then this post is not about you. This post also applies to men, do exchange the "he/she" etc where required.

Feeling vulnerable and alone, through the midst of the gloomy fog strides a man, a gentleman, or so it seems. His exterior oozes charm, and captivating wit, his body bares the most fantastic of spoons to sink into.
All of a sudden I am elevated from the fog into the clouds, the cloud of 9. I am ecstatic, and proudly rocking out my shiniest pair of rose coloured glasses.

As the fog settles, a godly type voice bellows in my ear “He is in fact a FUCKWIT”, my mind disregards godly bellows and carries on with said gentleman. His charming exterior, like the fog, fades to highlight an arsehole inner self. Promptly, I push away and run at full throttle. Feeling my push and the thrill of his chase enhances his extreme charms.  In my vulnerability his force pulls me back. He has me captivated for a moment, until he falls to his face once more. Although it was his fall, I feel humiliated. I continue to run, as I should.

 So it appears, my godly voice is always right. He was in fact a fuckwit! I violently rip off my rose coloured glasses and I stomp the crap out of them. I can see clearly now.

Moral to this story:
“Once a fuckwit, is always a fuckwit”... in most cases. If your inner “godly” voice is telling you as such, then it is always right! You are not deserving of a fuckwit, unless you are one. You shall receive what you expect, life is magic like that! But, it’s your life.

Do as I do, and “Say no to fuckwits!”