I once stood within a bubble. It was freezing, and solid like
That bubble had me secluded, trapped. Like a Lion imprisoned
within its enclosure I circled that cold steel bubble contemplating an escape.
Was I worthy and strong enough to get out?
There came a time
where I had to because no one could enter in to see the true me, I couldn’t see
me. Still with lack of sight, I yearned for that.
My bubble was made up of negativities that my life had fed
me, cursing me with a fear to break out.
I was over full, and instead gained an insatiable appetite
for something much more substantial, something that everybody is worthy of-
Total Greatness! And I was hungry!
With an awesome roar that lion within me began to chip away at that cold steel bubble. As fragments
shot back at me I bled, but with might and the song “I am every
woman” rocking on in my head, I perservered. There was no-one more worthy of an
escape than I was.
From time to time I tired, and as the bubble broke down,
life and its people were able to peek through and as such tried to hold me
hostage within its cell. As those fragments hit me once more, I still bled but
much less this time. With only a brief stand still to cleanse the wounds I kept
chipping away in the pursuit of ME.When least expected there came a time when I saw the light, it shone for me. Instantly there was an unravelling of all potentials and possibilities that I was worthy of.
The cold steel fragments now lay at my feet.
I stepped over them.
I realized a new me.
The real me!
I now acknowledge that life will still get tough, and parts
of those fragments may present themselves again. However, I now have that solid
foundation that is much stronger than cold steel and as a result I can now get
through anything.
A wise man, “George Michael” once said “You’ve got to have
faith, baby”, and I have that in bucket loads.
Faith is my foundation, and like “Every woman”, It’s all in me.http://youtu.be/Q8xuUdI1an0
Note: "Every woman" can be replaced with "Every man" too. I am not a feminist :-)I value equality.