Feelings of inferiority are incredibly common, you are not alone. Do know that it's merely an illusion of the mind. It means nothing, because unlike you, it is imagery.
A human brain replicates a sponge and overtime absorbs all that it hears and sees. Those negativities become imbedded; infused within your thought processes, your belief system, and soul. This is not you, but learnt.
The school of life is far greater in education than any university, however, you may choose your subject material, and as such your knowledge gained. What you come to believe is what you will seek to achieve, and attract.
Your thoughts about yourself can be reversed. So believe it!
No one is superior in wealth or value, higher in rank or
social status, excellence, or beauty. You are not inferior. If another is
making you feel this way, ask yourself why? It must be lonely where they are.
Their loneliness is an invalid excuse for forcing you down to where they reside. Do not
stoop to them because they are sad, yet blind to the fact. Walk away.A human brain replicates a sponge and overtime absorbs all that it hears and sees. Those negativities become imbedded; infused within your thought processes, your belief system, and soul. This is not you, but learnt.
The school of life is far greater in education than any university, however, you may choose your subject material, and as such your knowledge gained. What you come to believe is what you will seek to achieve, and attract.
Your thoughts about yourself can be reversed. So believe it!
Everyone bares their own buried gold, so dig deep to find your abundance of treasures.
With this comes power. Grab it, and run.
Then you will fly.
Inferior means Nothing.
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